And the company now enlists sponsors for his annual bash, defraying part of the reported $1 million cost, which was traditionally billed to the company.
They're getting ready for some kind of annual bash, according to Pelele.
Their annual bash may be over long before Cris gets back.
The insurer's annual bash is renowned for the party bags handed to hacks as they depart.
During Cali's annual bash, commerce pretty much grinds to a halt, and the parties spill into the streets.
"Home for the Holidays," the strongest incarnation so far of his annual bash, is a variety special in need of a television producer.
Florida owned no such record or future heading into its annual bash with the Bulldogs.
She meant that the magazine's annual bash is the hot event, "but everybody goes to the Governors Ball first," she said.
"They have their own annual bash, very privately, inside the Celestial Garden, but it's on hold till this period of official mourning is completed."
And the annual bash for Labor Day weekend, with 12 volunteers working full-time to keep it going.