Wages, the primary component of prices, are rising at a 4 percent annual clip.
Five years ago, median house prices were rising at an annual clip of nearly 17 percent.
But now, although American productivity is again improving at a steady annual clip, other countries are catching up.
Then suddenly it was running at a 4 or 4.5 percent annual clip.
But since the 1970's, productivity has been crawling along at a 1 percent annual clip, taking about three times as long to double.
During the same period, productivity of American businesses grew at an annual clip of 2 percent, a three-year high.
At the time the station was carrying 27,000 merinos which gave an annual clip of 480 bales.
In the first quarter of 2004, debt rose at an annual clip of 8.6 percent, more than double the growth rate of the economy.
The economy is moving along at a 3 or 4 percent annual clip.
The economy has grown at an annual clip of 7 percent over the last three years.