Find out in the annual compendium of the ideas that emerged, in ways big and small, for better and worse, in the past year.
Each book has been followed by an annual compendium including short stories and details of the history, geography and mythology of Artesia's universe.
For 40 years, ending in 1979, the Gilberts published an annual compendium of activities at corporate meetings.
The department's annual compendium of transport statistics shows that lead emissions fell from 6,700 tonnes in 1981 to 2,200 tonnes in 1990.
Willis is the author of the Flick Nation movie guides, annual compendiums of current reviews and commentary about the entertainment industry.
The program issues an annual compendium, roughly 40 pages long, and individual reports in the fall and winter; quarterly updates are being planned.
In addition to scholarly articles, this annual compendium offers reports of works in progress on foodways.
That question is raised in the Economic Report of the President, an annual compendium of observations and statistics on the health of the economy.
The Chronicle script was previously included on the Black List, an annual compendium of the year's best unproduced screenplays.
It's an annual compendium of about 300 of the most exclusive brokers in the country, with a sampling of the major players overseas.