From the beginning of the 16th century until the end of 17th century the Crimean Tatar raider bands made almost annual forays into agricultural Slavic lands searching for captives to sell as Slavery (Ottoman Empire).
But something more important is also ending in our house, and that is our annual foray into the old Cult of the Dad.
Francoise Nunnalle, a Manhattan dealer in antique linens, has 60 pairs of drapery tiebacks, dating from 1815 through the 1920's, which she has collected for 10 years on annual forays to Europe.
Since 1961, NAMA has sponsored an annual foray, at which members meet to collect and identify mushrooms and other fungi.
Once-a-year spenders pay premium prices for their annual foray into advertising, lack the campaign momentum that bigger brands take for granted and often find themselves drowned out by competitive noise as their peers target precisely the same sales sweet spot.
This was so successful that the club held annual "forays" for the next 24 years.
Consider Sports Illustrated's unabashed promotion of its annual foray into adolescent voyeurism, the swimsuit issue.
LIGHT CLASSICAL For its annual foray into the parks, the Long Island Philharmonic is keeping it relatively light.
From the experience of her annual forays, she chose the people she questioned carefully.
This is Bug Hunt II, one of three annual forays into the Staten Island Children's Museum's East Meadow and grounds.