As of 2009, Cracked Xmas was the group's largest annual fundraiser.
Over 715 community members of all ages volunteer annually, contributing their time to support everything from arts programs to the annual fundraiser.
First held in 2006, this annual fundraiser occurs during the last Saturday of February.
The school hosts an annual fundraiser, the Spirit Gala, in the fall.
Art for the Park is an annual fundraiser that includes exhibitions and performances.
Since its creation in 1977, the annual fundraiser has raised over $35 million for its beneficiaries nationwide.
It has an annual fundraiser which is a benefit group exhibition and raffle.
The Art Show is an annual fundraiser which attracts many people each year to view and purchase local artworks.
The festival is an annual fundraiser which supports an array of social services for low to moderate income individuals and families.
The annual fundraiser, held every November, is used to raise money to fund projects, redevelopments or the purchase of new equipment for the coming year.