Massive irrigation efforts were launched that diverted a considerable percentage of the annual inflow to the sea, causing it to shrink steadily.
The annual inflow in the river at the location of the dam has been estimated as 696,000 cubic metres.
To achieve these goals, Mr. Jaycox said, Africa will need a net annual inflow of $19 billion.
The total average annual inflow to dam is 0.687 MCM, whereas, outflow is 0.777 MCM.
The lake is well-flowing, with the annual inflow of water equal to about half of the total water volume.
The annual inflow of drug money has been more than offset by capital flight.
Evaporation, in a lake that covers 252 square miles, amounts to about four percent of annual inflow.
This volume is 95% of the total annual inflow.
The average annual inflow to the Upper Wardha Reservoir is estimated at 783 million cubic metres.
The reservoir has a live storage capacity of 110 MCN and mean annual inflow of 1,273 BCM.