An annual lottery is held allowing those living outside the Skyline district boundaries to attend the school.
Students are selected to enroll in the charter school based on an annual lottery, which is open to all Red Bank residents of school age.
But they pinned their hopes on their 3-year-old, Katya, coming out a winner in the annual lottery for spots in the public preschool.
When a registrant cancels a low number reserve registration, the number is placed in an annual lottery ( ).
The annual lottery was instituted in response to complaints about the politics behind the issuance of low-number registrations.
Limited-access salmon fishing, generally with outfitters or guides to the most productive salmon pools is made available to the public via a special annual lottery.
In Spinner's account, the annual lottery is held for religious reasons.
He had waited 18 years for a permit, issued by annual lottery, to shoot a single elk, which he planned to consume with his grandsons.
On Sunday, the N.B.A. will conduct its annual lottery for the June 27 draft.
Shirley Jackson's "The Lottery," for instance, begins with several paragraphs about villagers gathering for an annual lottery.