Under King Edgar annual musters and manoeuvres were held of allegedly up to 1,000 ships.
Thereafter they were stood down and returned to the informal annual musters of the York Militia.
IRR Marines participate in annual musters to check in with the Corps.
Regimental and company officers were elected at the annual muster.
During this period the legion's various units had annual musters and training camps, with Lehi's unit often doing so near the site of today's Camp Williams.
The settlers were also required to maintain arms and attend an annual military 'muster'.
After 1774 this location was changed in favour of special exercise or parade grounds, with annual musters of 12 days.
The group continued training, and in 1850 finally put its training to use at the regiment's annual muster.
Other duties consisted of being a hetman's envoy, supervised matters of internal security, conducted annual regimental musters and inspections.
Goat Paddock Pocket was used as a large holding yard for cattle during the annual muster in this area.