The festival, an annual religious observance featuring dance and music, will take place from March 29 to April 2.
Aside from the irregular annual observances, usage of the state park remained limited.
This annual observance occurs exactly 3 weeks before the start of lent.
The group holds occasional ceremonial gatherings at undisclosed private locations such as an annual observance of Hitler's birthday each April 20.
The modern law formalizing its annual observance was enacted in 1952.
They believe that this is the only annual religious observance commanded for Christians in the Bible.
National Regifting Day is an annual observance held each year on the Thursday before Christmas.
Dec 2008 was the 59th annual observance.
The center also directs planning for the official annual observance of the King Holiday.
This annual observance is regarded as one of the Five Pillars of Islam.