This festival marks the annual opening of the shrine in which members of the community and visitors may enter and pray for good business.
They were there attending the annual opening of the United Nations General Assembly.
The general order of precedence in Sweden at the annual opening of the Riksdag is as follows:
But the agency estimates that there will be an additional 2,400 annual openings per year through 2006.
For many on the East End, its annual opening in early May represented the beginning of the summer season.
The annual opening of Congressional disclosure forms included insights into the personal finances of many members.
Since its first annual opening in 1982, it has become the largest free arts festival in America.
They sometimes visit the Shack for steamers and raw clams on their motorcycle and regard its annual opening as a symbol of warm weather.
The house, which still stands, had a commanding view of the annual opening of the boating regattas.
He spent much time on their affairs and for many years continued to give the annual opening address of the session.