It's an intractable problem, dooming me to annual purchases of replacements.
Its reward program allows cardholders to earn up to 3.5% cash back based on the amount of eligible annual purchases made on their card.
Approximately 98 percent of all annual purchases of savings bonds by individuals are for $5,000 or less.
For example, annual purchases of ammunition seem likely, by the mid-1990s, to be at least 25% down on 1989 levels.
It calls for minimum annual Soviet purchases of nine million metric tons of grain and oilseeds.
And as those systems improve, the analysts say, the government should be able to move a large part of its $260 billion in annual purchases onto the Web.
Maine Central made annual purchases of new steam locomotives from 1899 through 1920.
Changing economic climate following World War I terminated routine annual purchases.
In 2007 Recolte of Russia committed to an annual purchase of 50000 cases for the Russian market, totaling $7.5 million per year.
I asked someone on her mailing list, a Sacramento doctor named David Schneider, if that made him rethink his annual purchase.