Employees can get as much as an $800 annual premium reduction.
Even in normal years, many households face an annual reduction in the amount of food they have available.
One bill would freeze the graduate medical education subsidy, rather than allow further annual reductions planned for the next two years under the 1997 law.
The centerpiece will be a substantial but as yet unannounced annual reduction in the total catch.
All certified companies commit to an annual reduction of 5% in their business carbon footprint.
It achieves a steady annual reduction in the Federal budget.
Only with a required annual reduction in cigarette production could we be sure that the cigarette-related health problems would disappear.
We cannot accept Amendments 13 and 14 on culture, which seek to abolish the annual reduction.
The company's estimated cost for each further ton of annual reductions is $30,000, he said.
The trend is for an annual reduction of around 50,000 km2 per year.