His body was later recovered and brought in the temple of Hermes where it was honored with annual sacrifices.
Berronar's holy days are on the first day of the new year, upon which the annual sacrifice of silver is made to her.
The Arval Brethren was an ancient group of priests that offered annual sacrifices to lares and the gods to guarantee good harvests.
The gods reveal that they have been attempting to blend into human society, reducing their annual sacrifices to only a few.
According to the band, the Noekk demanded an annual human sacrifice, but this is not a part of the traditional folklore.
This happened after the nobles chose Siya Yatabare as the annual sacrifice.
The priest said he was going to sacrifice the girl in order to appease the god Okuninushi, who demanded the annual sacrifice of a young girl.
His vision of the annual sacrifice of the Year-King has not been borne out by field studies.
On the day before the Thesea at Athens there were annual sacrifices to the Amazons.
His sole task was to make the annual sacrifice to Jupiter, a privilege that had been previously reserved for the king.