The 1995 annual stockholders meeting was contentious and the company decided to focus its growth efforts toward the food sector.
Fortunately, the distasteful business intruded in their lives only once a year, when they were compelled to attend the annual stockholders' meeting and dinner.
However, a vocal minority on the board of directors plans to bring the amendment before the annual stockholders meeting for repeal.
They have now submitted a resolution, to be voted upon at the company's annual stockholders' meeting in November, that would mandate a nondiscriminatory policy.
I can't take it any more," he told the company's annual stockholder's meeting.
Their sales numbers and marketing plans were usually no secret for previous years since they were even reported in annual stockholder's brochures.
Like a graph chart at an annual stockholders' meeting, the truth can be most anything you need it to be.
The charter omitted a significant clause - the location for the annual stockholders' meeting.
IBM might want the grand ballroom for its next annual stockholders' meeting.
Boeing said at its annual stockholders meeting on April 30 that its commercial airline backlog was worth $77.5 billion.