Drug companies spend $5 billion annually sending representatives to physician offices.
Northwestern College annually sends more than 200 students, faculty and staff in teams to serve with ministries in the U.S. and around the world.
With the enactment of the OMA, Members were no longer restricted on the number of mass mailings sent annually.
As it is, the county spends $6 million annually sending prisoners to jails as far away as Erie County.
Presumably landlords would annually send notices to all tenants remaining regulated if the rent exceeded $2,000 on Oct. 1, 1993.
The bank represents it as an "early withdrawal penalty" on the IRS Form 1099 sent to me annually.
Kazakhstan sends about 3.5 million tons through the pipeline annually and wants to increase output to 20 million tons.
OCA annually sends groups of young volunteers from North America to work on projects in Africa.
The choral and band departments annually send students to All-State and make superiors at their respective district festivals.
Via its volunteer programme Global Contact, it sends more than 500 volunteers abroad annually, to support local development work.