If not for the chance discovery of an anonymous manuscript, his work and reputation might have been lost.
Within the introduction there is a claim the starkly esoteric poems were discovered as an anonymous manuscript and presented only as a means to condemn them.
Additionally, an anonymous manuscript (Paris Conservatoire Rés.746, formerly 24827) created around 1680 contains an organ mass by an unknown composer.
Wilhelm Mannhardt believed that Malecki only prepared previously written anonymous manuscript for publication.
Some anonymous manuscripts describe another way the Aztecs prepared cacao as a beverage.
Agent Frensic comes across a deliciously filthy, but anonymous, manuscript that promises best sellerdom.
The oldest parachute design appears in an anonymous manuscript from 1470s Renaissance Italy (British Museum Add.
Copernicus initially outlined his system in a short, untitled, anonymous manuscript that he distributed to several friends, referred to as the Commentariolus.
A book editor receives an intriguing anonymous manuscript and sets out to discover its author's identity.
Scott appears to have taken the name from an anonymous manuscript - written in 1600 - that employs "Locksley" as an epithet for Robin Hood.