Ananda often clashes with Anil but helps her nonetheless to give the anonymous victim a face and identity.
They prefigure their own fates in the Holocaust; almost anonymous victims of history stare across at the icon Mao.
In death, the anonymous victims' naked lives come to light.
So who was the anonymous victim, and why the fancy dress?
Regardless of who started at quarterback, the Jaguars were simply another anonymous victim of the Patriots' luck and design.
The words no longer belonged to an anonymous victim, but to a woman whose face he knew.
At one moment, the effort looks brightly inspiring - famous faces at the service of anonymous victims of a faraway tragedy.
The question on everyone's mind is, was this virus directed at Congress, or were they merely an anonymous and unfortunate victim?
We tear our hair out and protest about Khodorkovsky, but precious little is said about Lukashenko's anonymous victims.
Four anonymous victims were interviewed for the piece and they relate stories about how the violence against them has increased in recent months.