Even more vivid are the frightening X-ray images showing the shrinking skeletons of anorexic women.
This is why many anorexic women believe themselves to be overweight when they are, in reality, grossly underweight.
But anorexic women can't have children or feed them because they don't have the body fat.
- 10 days ago i don't like anorexic women.
Her character, a crack addict, was originally written for an anorexic white woman in her early 20's who dates a handsome young doctor.
Dr Freeman said bone loss does not appear to occur in every anorexic woman.
Therefore, an anorexic woman in the 19th century was not as rare of an encounter as most people believe it to be.
All the magazines show those bony, anorexic women.
But the severely anorexic woman looked up at the bottle of liquid and exclaimed "Dextrose - that's sugar!"