For example, Niphanda fusca butterflies lay eggs on plants where ants tend herds of aphids.
These ants may also tend to aphids and coccids, collecting nectar when possible.
Can you tell me what they were doing while your ants tended their droves?
I soon learnt that a red ant tends to bite only once if you leave it alone.
Nevertheless, the ants tend the Lomechusa larvae with the same care they bestow on their own young.
Infected ants develop bright red gasters, tend to be more sluggish, and walk with their gasters in a conspicuous elevated position.
And the strange thing was that ants did tend to accept her.
This is an exceptional case of pollination by ants, since ants tend to secrete an antifungal substance that kills pollen.
Within their territory, the ants tend and milk aphids and scale insects for their honeydew and also scavenge for dead insects.
In the worker castes, male ants tend to have more ommatadia than other castes.