Both modes of organization... tried to improve conditions of life and labor in the anthracite region.
Early in the spring of 1902 a universal strike began in the anthracite regions.
Meanwhile the Governor of Pennsylvania had all the Pennsylvania militia in the anthracite region, although without any effect upon the resumption of mining.
During the early part of its history the Lovestoneites had a following among United Mine Workers members in the anthracite region of eastern Pennsylvania.
She had best take another hard look at Tamaqua and the anthracite region.
In western Pennsylvania, large bituminous coal fields exist in rocks with a similar age as the rocks in the anthracite region.
If commenced the troops must not be withdrawn until the work is thoroughly done, otherwise two-thirds of the anthracite region would stop sending coal to market.
The UAW faced much stiffer opposition in the concentration of ownership in the small anthracite region.
That is how the coal fire most familiar to many Americans started 40 years ago, in Centralia, a town in the anthracite region of eastern Pennsylvania.
More were built for many of the railroads operating in the anthracite regions, and some others, of many different wheel arrangements.