New Jersey also had the tragic distinction of being at the center of the last year's anthrax crisis, the nation's first significant bioterrorism attack.
Health workers rallied instantly in responding to the anthrax crisis, forming teams that functioned smoothly even though most people were working together for the first time, the participants said.
A MediaCom sibling, Grey Worldwide, recently created a popular commercial for the service related to the anthrax crisis.
But in their initial handling of the anthrax crisis, government leaders did almost everything wrong, according to psychologists and other researchers.
Dr. Koplan defended the centers' response to the anthrax crisis, saying the agency performed well in the unprecedented situation of a bioterrorist attack.
Mr. Bloomberg, meanwhile, detailed what he called his "blueprint for public health," aimed at dealing with the anthrax crisis and the possibility of other bioterrorist attacks.
Just when it looked as if the nation's public health system was gaining control of the evolving anthrax crisis, incidents at two postal facilities have revealed gaps that need fixing.
It also received a Silver Anvil in 2003 for its work with the United States Postal Service for managing communications during the anthrax crisis.
The death of Joseph P. Curseen Jr. highlighted the slow horror of the unfolding anthrax crisis among postal workers.
CDC redesigned the site in response to overwhelming demand from the public and professionals for credible information during the anthrax crisis.