Additionally, there are countless other anthropogenic disturbances that affect this species throughout its range.
Therefore specific attention should be paid to individual Microsystems and how all anthropogenic disturbance affects these systems and their interactions with others.
The necessity of protecting our water is increasing exponentially as our population multiplies in concert with anthropogenic disturbance.
The vegetation here suffers from anthropogenic disturbance through cutting down of trees for fuel wood, cultivation and construction works.
They are sensitive to anthropogenic disturbance and avoid disturbed habitats (Hydro-electric project development sites)
Environmental characters impact call times as well as anthropogenic disturbance.
A close relative, E. camurum, has seen huge population declines due to anthropogenic environmental disturbances, and is listed as critically imperiled in several states.
In many ecosystems, communities tend to recover following mild to moderate natural and anthropogenic disturbances.
They typically have a limited tolerance to environmental degradation, and so are susceptible to anthropogenic disturbance.
A major cause of this decline, anthropogenic disturbance, reduced stocks by 52%.