There was probably a valid, anthropological explanation for it, this male compulsion to hoard and catalogue, from diesel locomotive serial numbers, to Hawkwind off-shoot backlists, to body-part trophies.
A.P. then tossed in a kind of anthropological explanation: "American Indians migrated to the continent over a land bridge from Asia."
The standard anthropological explanation of this custom is based in explications of the conflicts between descent and affinity in Balinese society.
Essentially the thought of Feuerbach consisted in a new interpretation of religion's phenomena, giving an anthropological explanation.
Because Sombart speculated on anthropological and racial explanations, his work has been described as antisemitic and racist.
This might be used to show that ley lines exist due to chance alone (as opposed to supernatural or anthropological explanations).
This anthropological explanation drew Domini's complete attention.
The anthropological explanations are kept to a minimum; what is displayed here is meant to be viewed as art.
(See patrilocality for an anthropological explanation.)