For example, the anthropological method of ethnography has been used to describe teaching and learning in classrooms.
Data are collected from parents and children, primarily through standard anthropological methods.
This distinction continues to inform anthropological method and theory.
One of the criticism's frequently directed at anthropological methods of inquiry is that they cause cultures to be presented as being essentially static.
Known for his use of anthropological methods in historical research, he was a pioneer in the historical study of ritual and feuding.
Olivier de Sardan has authored two books on anthropological method (2008, 2003).
She soon switched to more anthropological methods.
Tylor's anthropological method has been criticized as out-of-context comparisons of practices in different cultures and times.
This research combines archaeological and anthropological method and theory with historical method and theory.
Thick description is an anthropological method of explaining with as much detail as possible the reason behind human actions.