In anthropological terms this is sometimes described as cultural relativism, especially by those that have a tendency to argue toward universal ideals.
These, in turn, are re-examined in anthropological terms.
Should they keep telling us that it really was not made for museums, that it should be seen in anthropological and historical terms?
Russian populations are quite homogeneous in anthropological terms.
An anthropological term for this state of potential fertility is nubility.
Biofacticity is an epistemological and ontological term that reflects upon the anthropological term of hybridity.
Defining Conditionalism Christian conditionalism is essentially an anthropological terms.
A specialized anthropological term.
"In anthropological terms, you don't want to give off prey behavior," Mr. Robbins said.
The anthropological term "avunculocal residence" refers to this convention, which has been identified in about 4% of the world's societies.