He also took anthropology classes at University of Chicago.
He was always near the players; he once even sat next to a guard, Anderson Hunt, in an anthropology class.
I'd had one anthropology class in college.
Dr. Wesch is significant in that the final exams for his anthropology classes only have one question: Why are you here?
However, in her senior year of college took a several anthropology classes, and a professor suggested that she attend graduate school for anthropology.
I skipped dinner to finish a paper for my anthropology class.
Professor Duncan taking over the anthropology class despite knowing nothing about the subject matter was a knock on the American education system.
It was a girl in my anthropology class who got me interested in magic.
I'm sure you discuss this in your anthropology classes.
Judd enters Professor Millett's anthropology class to speak with him about his murdered student in French.