This piece is a locally cast bronze of a form created by using thousands of staples to create this anthropomorphic shape.
Valuable ceramic decoration makes use of geometrical patterns, floral motifs, zoomorphic and anthropomorphic shapes.
"Cousins" is a sculpture made of interlocking, vaguely anthropomorphic shapes of "synthetic fur over cotton stuffing."
We had anthropomorphic shapes but we didn't call them that because we had never seen our shapes in material form.
The hand has an anthropomorphic shape, and is the size of a large human hand.
It has an anthropomorphic shape, both futuristic and prehistoric looking at the same time.
In fact, it had to be-and so did the strange, vague, anthropomorphic shape at the center of that light burst, where the glare was strongest.
Some of the more adventurous potters incorporate anthropomorphic shapes in their work.
You may remember Villegas suggested this was the reason angels take more or less anthropomorphic shapes on earth.