At the end of 2005, after agreeing to refrain from "anti-American activities or military actions," he was released and returned to Afghanistan.
It said "information available to the U.S. government" showed that the second son, Omar, had provided financial support and direction to anti-American activities, including several attacks on Mosul, the northern Iraqi city.
While the government was worried that these leaders had been involved in anti-American activity on behalf of the Empire of Japan, eventually, all were cleared of any wrongdoing.
Chevalier wrote from France, where he went in 1950 after being accused of anti-American activities.
Or if he was, they condemned him for that, while still holding out support for his anti-American activities.
American officials contend that the Iraqi intelligence service learned a lesson from its failure to engage in anti-American terrorist activities during the first gulf war.
He was arrested on allegations of 'anti-American' activities and interned on Ellis Island to await deportation back to England.
Most likely, a politically weaker Mexico would have been tolerant of German anti-American activities carried out from Mexican territory.
American commanders said that the missiles were aimed at insurgents and smugglers, and that the area is a hotbed of anti-American activity.
The conviction helped to fuel Senator Joseph McCarthy's investigations into anti-American activities by U.S. citizens.