The Bush administration has frequently depicted Al Jazeera's broadcasts as showing anti-American bias.
And some want to tell us that multiculturalism doesn't reek of an anti-American and anti-Christian bias?
Marash cited "reflexive adversarial editorial stance" against Americans and "anti-American bias".
That said, Al Jazeera's virulent anti-American bias undercuts all of its virtues.
Horn and Jones' lawyer made an appeal, stating that an anti-American bias was the reason for their deportation.
Let us forget about European anti-American bias, and let us join the real fight against terrorism.
It has not established evidence, it has merely provided a platform for anti-American bias.
Opponents have objected in advance to what they say will be an anti-American bias to the center's offerings, a charge that the center has just as strongly rejected.
There's no reason to assume that politics or anti-American bias are behind the decision.
People will be watching for signs of anti-American bias; the question is whether we will know it if we see it.