For all that, there was little evidence of popular anti-American feeling in England then, or after the war either, up to this day.
You all need to understand that there are many foreign people without anti-American feelings.
"Every day I encounter some sort of anti-American feeling," she wrote.
"What the Americans are doing will create a lot of anti-American feeling in the country," he said.
They are either at war, or have public, government-endorsed bouts of anti-American feeling.
They met three or four times a week to discuss their anti-American feelings and to plot possible attacks.
Opposition to a new war is almost unanimous here, and anti-American feelings are running high.
The protests come at a time of rising anti-American feeling in the Government here.
"Why are we assuming that there's less anti-American feeling?"
"There has been a lot of anti-American feeling in the press."