Instead, the family is now flexing its political muscles by requesting investigations of possible trade sanction violations by Sotheby's - involving some of the very laws that Congress passed after strong prodding by the Fanjuls and other anti-Castro activists.
The Administration's decision earlier this week to suspend charter flights to Cuba and to impose travel restrictions on Cuban diplomats in this country made clear that Havana had attacked not just anti-Castro activists but international law itself.
This was the building where anti-Castro activist and accused JFK assassination conspirator Guy Banister had had his office until July 1960.
Turned around, this is exactly what has been happening with the recent incursions into Cuban airspace by anti-Castro activists.
She left the island and joined anti-Castro activists in Florida.
Mr. Garrison believed that the plotters were anti-Castro activists angry at Kennedy for compromises he made after the Cuban missile crisis.
This was the building where anti-Castro activist and accused JFK Assassination conspirator Guy Banister also had his office.
Chibás became an active anti-Castro activist in the United States.
Tony Cuesta (13 June 1926 - 2 December 1992) was an anti-Castro Cuban activist.
Similarly, some anti-Castro activists claim that the Cuban secret police sometimes used radioactive isotopes to induce cancer in "adversaries they wished to destroy with as little notice as possible".