Meanwhile, anti-European sentiment is rising in Washington.
In Moulmein, the narrator-Orwell, writing in the first person-is a police officer during a period of intense anti-European sentiment.
The affair began with the 4,000 delegates watching a video that telescoped anti-European sentiments down into tightly blinkered repugnance of Germany.
Mumboism was not the sole religious movement in Central or Eastern Africa to reflect anti-European sentiment.
This triggers anti-European sentiments because the debate is over-simplified.
Neither should it be confused with a kind of anti-European sentiment.
On the one hand, there is the right-wing voter who has a clear anti-European sentiment and says 'no' to the European project.
Those who make assertions to the contrary are trying to frighten people and whip up anti-European sentiment.
I agree entirely with what Stephen Hughes has said: this fuels anti-European sentiment.
Refusing to pay it does not only make you unreliable, it is also stoking the anti-European sentiments in Europe.