Daniel Finkelstein, associate editor of The Times, responded that Sabbagh's piece was "anti-Israel propaganda" that did not meet even "basic academic standards" of scientific analysis.
I'd like to see these anti-Semitic images that sometimes masquerade as anti-Israel propaganda be ostracized like derogatory cartoons of black people.
Critics accuse Al Jazeera, which is available in the United States through satellite television or the Internet, of spreading anti-American and anti-Israel propaganda.
And those who focus on them are engaging not only in anti-Israel propaganda but in a kind of anti-Semitism.
"The Second Draft" is exclusively devoted to anti-Israel propaganda in the news, with essays, articles, and archived video.
At the same time, he said B'nai B'rith continues to "have a deep concern about anti-Israel propaganda that is currently being generated for the campuses."
HRW stated that journalists and civilian broadcasting facilities were not legitimate military targets simply because they broadcasted pro-Hamas or anti-Israel propaganda.
Yet you repeatedly confused anti-Israel propaganda with 'reasonable criticism' of Israeli policies.
He continued to specialize in anti-Semitism as head of the Insti-tute for the Study of Zion-ism, managing anti-Israel propaganda.
Law-enforcement agencies are monitoring groups in northern Virginia, Dallas, Detroit, Chicago and Tucson, Ariz., who have been distributing anti-Israel propaganda and raising funds for Palestinian causes.