They are expected to head Palestinian security forces in the West Bank, where their most critical task will be to block anti-Israeli violence by Muslim militants.
The deportation failed to halt a wave of anti-Israeli violence, which only stopped after the Government closed off the occupied territories in March.
Israeli officials defend the practice as necessary to prevent militant Palestinian groups from organizing anti-Israeli violence.
Sweden attracted controversy when they forbade fans from seeing the matches inside the Baltic Hall, fearing anti-Israeli violence.
Palestinian officials contend that all 750 prisoners to be freed were supposed to have been people jailed for anti-Israeli violence or political activity.
The military government has kept schools closed during most of the uprising, saying they are flashpoints of anti-Israeli violence.
It was described as a first step toward a gradual release of most of the 13,000 Palestinians being held for various shades of anti-Israeli violence and resistance.
Other people said Israeli policies toward the Palestinians had eroded popular support for the accords and had increased backing for anti-Israeli violence.
In rural areas, the Palestinian police maintain law and order while Israeli forces can still intervene to prevent anti-Israeli violence.
The Israeli Army can barely keep the lid on Gaza, whose angry young Arabs explode in anti-Israeli violence almost weekly.