Tomi knows that his family has to be as American as possible if they are to survive the anti-Japanese feelings that are swirling around them.
Pavlov said the work was a forgery prepared by the Soviet Union in 1931 to sow anti-Japanese feelings in the U.S. and in Europe.
And many Chinese openly express anti-Japanese feelings, even in a country that embraces Japanese brands and welcomes Japan's huge investments in Chinese factories.
It was a mistranslation by the press that has helped inflame anti-Japanese feeling in the United States to what some observers say is the highest level since World War II.
The "unforgettable" image became one of the most influential photos to stir up anti-Japanese feeling in the United States.
In Japan as well, Sony came in for criticism for stirring up anti-Japanese feeling in the United States.
The Twenty-One Demands were a particularly potent factor in the build-up of anti-Japanese feeling, and provoked a mass exodus of Chinese students from Japan.
However, they see a lot of anti-Japanese feelings.
In part, that was attributed by officials to Tokyo's concern about reviving anti-Japanese feelings dating from Japan's subjugation of China in the 1930's.
In 1920 he took on Senator James D. Phelan, who had been prominent in fostering anti-Japanese feeling in California.