A 20-year-old Flushing man was arrested yesterday for vandalizing at least 17 cars in the Pomonok section of Queens last week, painting them with anti-Jewish remarks, the police said.
Leni strongly hints that she would happily bear "Jupp"'s child, but after a particularly venomous anti-Jewish remark he refuses any intimacy.
He begins with Professor Griff's anti-Jewish remarks, made in an interview, to the effect that Jews are the cause of "the majority of wickedness" in the world.
Jackson had made anti-Jewish remarks in 1984, calling New York City "Hymietown".
Moreover, many blacks who condemn the anti-Jewish remarks of such figures are hard-pressed to dismiss some of their positions about black life in America.
A Moscow man said that three times in the weeks before his departure strangers made anti-Jewish remarks while passing him on the street.
Representative Gus Savage, who had the seat for 12 years, ultimately lost favor with voters who disapproved of his absenteeism, anti-Jewish remarks and embarrassing personal incidents.
The script points out that when young Hitler realized that his anti-Jewish remarks especially stirred strong applause among his German audiences, rich and poor, he accelerated his anti-Semitism.
Anyone educated enough to have heard the word 'antisemitism' claims as a matter of course to be free of it, and anti-Jewish remarks are carefully eliminated from all classes of literature.
"And I always found him to be a consummate professional, and I don't think he would utter anti-Jewish remarks."