Many Muslims feel that this exacerbated the anti-Muslim feelings that had been provoked by the destruction in Bamiyan, Afghanistan.
It was considered too controversial for performance at a time of heightened anti-Muslim feeling in the USA.
At least a dozen who asked not to be identified admitted to anti-Muslim feelings and said they were strongly opposed to the mosque because it's a mosque.
He blamed "anti-Muslim feeling and the bad publicity."
The effort to organize the country's Muslims took on more urgency in the aftermath of Sept. 11, 2001, when anti-Muslim feelings among French citizens increased.
Dr. Safi accused Jyllands-Poten editors of hiding behind free speech to promote anti-Muslim feelings and demonize the small but growing Danish Muslim community.
The effort to organize the country's Muslims took on more urgency after Sept. 11, which led to a rise in anti-Muslim feelings among French citizens.
Diane Frost defines islamophobia as anti-Muslim feeling and violence based on "race" and/or religion.
It could further fan anti-Muslim feelings in France, and we've already seen the potential for a violent backlash.