The real Vander - who wrote the anti-Semitic articles - was a gentile friend of his who died during the war.
For example, at the time of the Doctors' plot it published a number of anti-semitic articles and cartoons.
Mr. Iliescu said the most offensive weeklies had agreed to stop publication of anti-Semitic articles.
Similar anti-Semitic articles appeared in every issue of Nacionālā Zamgale.
Later he issued vitrolic anti-Semitic articles, argued against listening to enemy propaganda.
The journal was particularly noted for its strong anti-Semitic articles, although Mitterrand's own piece was decidedly innocuous in terms of content.
"I saw him argue against people who wanted to put anti-Semitic articles in the newspaper," he recalled.
"There were anti-Semitic articles and editorials, but he discounts popes' distancing themselves from that."
Far-right newspapers are filled with anti-Semitic articles.
Few in Hollywood could recall such an anti-Semitic article in a mainstream publication.