A note with an anti-Semitic message had been left at the scene.
The letter contained an anti-Semitic message and a white powdery substance, and the woman developed a black rash on her arm.
He said he had received an anti-Semitic e-mail message that night.
What was more alarming was the xenophobic, if not anti-Semitic, message that some read into the swing in public opinion.
It has shown television programs, including some children's television, which deliver anti-semitic messages.
At one point it passed an anti-Semitic message, marked on a wall with spray paint: a Star of David, an equal sign, a swastika.
The related question of whether the opera contains a specifically anti-Semitic message is also debated.
Last month, arrests were made in Ardsley after anti-Semitic messages were sent on the Internet to local high school students.
Since the very first blaze was set, police detectives had ruled out bias as a motive, because no anti-Semitic messages were left.
No one has been injured, and no anti-Semitic messages have been left.