The C.I.A., some officials say, also has plenty of work to do with anti-Taliban groups in the north.
If the Taliban refused, the US would provide covert military aid to anti-Taliban groups.
It would feature "massive support" to anti-Taliban groups like the Northern Alliance and the destruction of training camps occupied by terrorists.
Iran and Russia have supported the anti-Taliban groups for related reasons.
American officials said today that the negotiations for surrender had often involved two or more anti-Taliban groups competing to win the surrender of the same Taliban commanders.
The Pentagon has experienced uneven degrees of cooperation with the anti-Taliban groups.
The target of the attacks was a jirga (meeting) convened by government officials, local tribal elders and anti-Taliban groups.
The hardship in conducting commando raids has made the United States military more dependent on cooperation with anti-Taliban groups inside Afghanistan.
Assistance to anti-Taliban groups and proxies who might be encouraged to passively resist the Taliban.
The CIA was to develop an expanded covert action program including significant additional funding and aid to anti-Taliban groups.