The change infuriated anti-abortion Republicans, and Mr. Dole had made it without alerting anyone.
More recently, they pressed anti-abortion Republicans to back passage of maternal-leave legislation.
Representative John R. Kasich of Ohio has said that anti-abortion Republicans should "lower the volume" on the issue.
But some anti-abortion Republicans are beginning to sound alarms, seeing worrisome trends in the party's tactical maneuvering.
The word abortion is mentioned only once in the three-paragraph plank in an effort to defuse any anger among anti-abortion Republicans.
He said that "pro-choice people are delighted" about the abortion plank and that anti-abortion Republicans "accept that there is diversity in the party."
He is a moderate Republican who supports abortion rights in a state where conservative, anti-abortion Republicans rule the roost.
Some anti-abortion Republicans said Mr. Rinfret had also agreed to drop the plank, but he denied that.
However, negotiations were broken off owing to the vehement opposition of anti-abortion Republicans, supported by Sununu.
Creating Nervousness Despite the lack of a visible following, the road trip has made anti-abortion Republicans nervous.