But the Governor must sign any new law, and opponents are counting on a victory by an anti-abortion candidate this fall.
But her support of abortion rights poses a major problem for a ticket with an anti-abortion candidate at the top.
Ms. Daly, of Red Bank, is running as an anti-abortion candidate.
It characterized his Republican opponent, John Sanchez, as an anti-abortion candidate.
Ireland's pro-life movement said it would not field anti-abortion candidates, but urged voters to 'consider the attitudes' of those running for office.
She said she would wait to see if an anti-abortion candidate from another party emerged before deciding what to do.
As a result, the snapshot of an anti-abortion candidate these days is far different than in the past.
Since the Webster decision, she said, anti-abortion candidates have won 7 out of 10 state legislative races.
They say the church has illegally used tax-deductible contributions to support anti-abortion political candidates.
Since then the party has nominated anti-abortion gubernatorial candidates.