Conservatives complain that she receives a favorable rating of 80 percent, not 100 percent, from the anti-abortion lobby.
According to the anti-abortion lobby, this is 'chemical warfare against the unborn'.
At the urging of a growing and increasingly active anti-abortion lobby, the state abolished Medicaid financing of abortions in 1988.
The anti-abortion lobby in the U.S. succeeded in preventing legal importation of the drug under Federal law.
Yes, I know how shamelessly the anti-abortion lobby has exploited this illusion to give tadpole-sized fetuses the poster appeal of full-grown infants.
The United States has banned the pill under pressure from the anti-abortion lobby, although clinical trials have been approved by the Food and Drug Administration.
Some members of the anti-abortion lobby had apparently been indicating the 'weak' moral stance of protestants on the issue.
After a long process of public consultation, his party, Fianna Fail, eventually produced a complicated legal proposal that it hoped would satisfy Ireland's vocal anti-abortion lobby.
Why, then, would the anti-abortion lobby want to close the clinics?
Indeed, it is the stand on this issue that exposes the extreme intentions of the anti-abortion lobby.