One of his arrests was in Atlanta during the organization Operation Rescue's huge anti-abortion protests there in 1988.
I saw your photo of a sad-eyed little boy looking out from under his bangs who "has participated in anti-abortion protests since he was 5."
When there were anti-abortion protests at Dallas clinics she would help counsel patients.
In March 1993, the clinic was the site of the nation's first known slaying of an abortion doctor in an anti-abortion protest.
Neighbors described the family as Roman Catholics who sometimes took part in anti-abortion protests but otherwise kept to themselves.
By yesterday morning anti-abortion protests outside clinics had returned to standard weekly events.
Several clinics said availability had been curtailed because of anti-abortion protests.
Hiding under a cape, she had been driven up the driveway of the clinic in a car with tinted windows, to avoid a large anti-abortion protest.
But W.H.O. officials, also worried about anti-abortion protests, say they have no plans to do so now.
Tiller's practice performed late-term abortions, which made Tiller a focal point for anti-abortion protest and violence.