However, such antidepressant and anti-anxiety medication can cause other side effects, so one should first consult with a doctor before using any of these medications.
It can be treated with behavioral therapy and anti-anxiety medication.
Relaxation techniques may work just as well as anti-anxiety medications.
A medicine to help make this disorder more manageable than before is anti-anxiety medication.
"Being on an antidepressant or anti-anxiety medication can also blunt sexual desire," she says.
He was taken to the hospital and put on risperidone and anti-anxiety medication.
You felt that you needed anti-anxiety medication while your husband was alive.
Leo notices that the First Lady is using anti-anxiety medication.
At other times counseling, anti-anxiety and antidepressant medications have been shown to be of use.
In extreme cases of Scopophobia, it is possible for the subject to be prescribed anti-anxiety medications.