Mr. de Klerk had said his party, which ruled South Africa during apartheid, had never authorized killings to combat anti-apartheid forces.
As an apartheid state, South Africa often worked to destabilize neighboring countries it believed to be too friendly to anti-apartheid or Communist forces.
The white Government's atrocities were far more widespread and severe than those of the anti-apartheid forces, who turned to armed struggle only after the A.N.C. was banned.
The Bush Administration has made some gestures indicating that it is more sympathetic to anti-apartheid forces than was the Reagan Administration.
"We are considering the question of pooling our resources with all anti-apartheid forces," Mr. Mandela said Thursday.
Even when they have steamrollered the anti-apartheid forces, they have to go on outlawing, banning, detaining.
With legislative elections six days away, the South African Government's confrontation with anti-apartheid forces sharpened today.
Those countries who are fully committed to assisting the anti-apartheid forces in this country are our friends," he said.
The need, he said, was "to unite all the anti-apartheid forces in the country" to win "basic human rights.
They declared that the 'only way to defeat apartheid is by broadening the base of anti-apartheid forces'.