However, the United States, France and the Netherlands are the only important trading countries that have anti-boycott laws.
In 1993 Baxter was the first company to face criminal charges under the anti-boycott law.
I wonder if the jobs boycott is allowed under Israel's anti-boycott law?
The settlement is the second largest in the 17-year history of the American anti-boycott law, said John Despres, Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Export Enforcement.
Earlier this month the Commerce Department accused Safeway Stores of violating the United States' anti-boycott law.
Mr. Maslow said that during the decade that the anti-boycott law has been in effect, six fines of $100,000 each had been imposed and that no criminal case had been brought under the statute.
Baxter, the first company to face criminal charges of violating the anti-boycott law, pleaded guilty to one violation.
The Commerce Department, which enforces the anti-boycott law, recently reported that violations had become increasingly rare as companies had come to understand the law.
The US Department of Commerce's Bureau of Industry and Security is charged with enforcing and administering the anti-boycott laws under the Export Administration Act.
In summer of 2011 Friedman criticized an Israeli anti-boycott law as a violation of free speech (see JURIST, 8/1/11).