All schools' anti-bullying policies should be required to include measures specifically to deal with homophobic bullying.
One of the ways they are forcing their agenda into schools is through so-called anti-harassment or anti-bullying policies, explored below.
Types of preventive measures include multi-cultural awareness programs, health initiatives, and anti-bullying policies.
Q. Several states are considering legislation that would require each public school district to have an anti-bullying policy.
Research has found bullying to be one cause of such tragedies and schools saw the need to enact anti-bullying policies.
A university that has thought about its diversity and anti-bullying policy in this area would likely have thought about these policies across the board.
Every school must have an anti-bullying policy and so you could ask to see a copy of this.
The college has a "zero tolerance" anti-bullying policy and acts quickly to address any inappropriate behaviours between students.
There is a robust anti-bullying policy in place.
Schools are very aware of cyber bullying and it's likely to be included in their anti-bullying policy.