Although there was some anti-Catholic feeling in the 19th and early 20th centuries, this declined after the 1920s.
At this time there were still strong anti-catholic feelings, so the chapel was hidden from the street by its presbytery.
He thus began his ministry just as anti-Catholic feeling was reaching fever pitch.
At the time of the Cardinal's visit, anti-Catholic feelings were strong in Cincinnati.
Many of these immigrants were Catholic which fueled anti-Catholic feelings and organizations.
The Test Act of 1673 had driven all Catholics out of public office and anti-Catholic feelings intensified in the years to come.
By the 1620s, events on the continent had stirred up anti-Catholic feeling to a new pitch.
There was strong anti-Catholic feeling but it was mostly against substantial rather than poor Catholics.
The bull aroused considerable anti-Catholic feeling among English Protestants.
The play was written shortly after this catholic plot to blow up King and Parliament, and it reflects the anti-catholic feeling of the time.