However, such accusations by Protestant polemicists can be dismissed as attempts at anti-Catholic propaganda.
Ponce claimed that Cansino was bringing his potions with him, as well as some anti-Catholic propaganda.
All three were found not guilty in a trial which one historian has described as "largely a piece of anti-Catholic propaganda".
Examples of specifically anti-Catholic propaganda after 1917 frequently include anti-Western or anti-Imperialism tones.
The trial of the Samlesbury witches is perhaps one clear example of that trend; it has been described as "largely a piece of anti-Catholic propaganda",.
Ten years of work in the backblocks of Victoria were accompanied by journalistic work refuting anti-Catholic propaganda.
The article focuses on more anti-Catholic propaganda by the Klan.
Achilli travelled there in early 1849 and continued his Protestant, anti-Catholic and pro-nationalist propaganda.
Debate about Foxe's veracity and the text's contribution to anti-Catholic propaganda continued.